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This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Ireland Limited. If the person responsible for data processing on this website is located outside the European Economic Area or Switzerland, Google Analytics data processing is carried out by Google LLC. Google LLC and Google Ireland Limited are hereinafter referred to as "Google".

Google Analytics uses so-called "cookies", text files which are stored on the computer of the site visitor and which enable an analysis of the use of the website by the site visitor. The information generated by the cookie about the use of this website by the site visitor (including the shortened IP address) is usually transmitted to a Google server and stored there.

Google Analytics is only used with the extension "_anonymizeIp()" on this website. This extension ensures anonymization of the IP address by shortening it and excludes direct personal reference. As a result of the extension, Google's IP address will be shortened beforehand within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be sent to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. The IP address transmitted by the relevant browser as part of Google Analytics will not be merged with other Google data.

On behalf of the site operator, Google will use the information collected to evaluate the use of the website, to compile reports on website activity and to provide other services related to website activity and internet usage to the site operator (Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR). The legitimate interest in data processing lies in optimizing this website, analyzing how the website is used and adapting the content. The interests of the users are adequately safeguarded by the pseudonymization.

Google LLC. offers a guarantee based on the standard contractual clauses to comply with an appropriate level of data protection. The data sent and linked to cookies, user IDs (e.g. user ID) or advertising IDs are automatically deleted after 50 months. Data that has reached the end of its retention period is automatically deleted once a month.

The collection by Google Analytics can be prevented by the site visitor adjusting the cookie settings for this website. The collection and storage of the IP address and the data generated by cookies can also be objected to at any time with effect for the future. The corresponding browser plugin can be downloaded and installed from the following link:

The site visitor can prevent the recording by Google Analytics on this website by clicking on the followinglinkclicks An opt-out cookie is set, which prevents the future collection of data when visiting this website.

Further information on the use of data by Google, setting and objection options can be found in Google's data protection declaration ( and in the settings for the display of advertisements by Google (

1 Limitation of liability The content of this website was created with the greatest possible care. However, the provider assumes no liability for the correctness, completeness and topicality of the content provided. The content of the website is used at the user's own risk. Contributions marked by name reflect the opinion of the respective author and not always the opinion of the provider. The mere use of the provider's website does not result in any contractual relationship between the user and the provider.


2 External links This website contains links to third-party websites ("external links"). These websites are subject to the responsibility of the respective operators. When the external links were first linked, the provider checked the third-party content for any legal violations. At the time, no legal violations were apparent. The provider has no influence on the current and future design and content of the linked pages. The setting of external links does not mean that the provider adopts the content behind the reference or link as his own. Constant monitoring of the external links is not reasonable for the provider without concrete evidence of legal violations. However, if we become aware of legal violations, such external links will be deleted immediately.


3 Copyright and ancillary copyright The content published on this website is subject to German copyright and ancillary copyright. Any use not permitted by German copyright and ancillary copyright law requires the prior written consent of the provider or the respective rights holder. This applies in particular to the duplication, processing, translation, storage, processing or reproduction of content in databases or other electronic media and systems. Contents and rights of third parties are marked as such. The unauthorized duplication or forwarding of individual content or complete pages is not permitted and is punishable by law. Only the production of copies and downloads for personal, private and non-commercial use is permitted.


4 Special conditions of use Insofar as special conditions for individual uses of this website deviate from the aforementioned paragraphs, this will be expressly pointed out at the appropriate point. In this case, the special terms of use apply in each individual case.

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